Telegram Link and QR
Code Generator

Generate a free Telegram chat link and Telegram QR code that you can share with your customer instead of a phone number
Unified inbox for Multichannel Support
Multi Agent Dashboard
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Deep eCommerce Integration
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Agent Analytics
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Customer Data and Order History
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Frequently asked questions

What is Telegram link?

Telegram Chat link allows users to directly chat with another Telegram user by clicking on a link, without the hassle of saving their phone number. This works well for both businesses and customers.

How do I create my Telegram link?

Step 01
Enter your Telegram username. You should have received this name while creating your bot. Bot usernames always end in 'bot' (e.g. AliceSGbot).

Step 02
Click on the “Generate Telegram Chat Link” button!

What is Telegram QR code used for?

Telegram QR code helps your users to find you quicker or to share information faster.

How do I create a QR code for Telegram?

Step 01
Enter your Telegram username. You should have received this name while creating your bot. Bot usernames always end in 'bot' (e.g. AliceSGbot).

Step 02
Click on the “Generate Telegram Chat Link” button!

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Rated 4.6/5 on G2
Rated 4.7/5 on Capterra

The fastest growing communication platform built on official Telegram API. You no longer need multiple tools for your teams and can work with a single platform.